a new approach to organizational development and team building. Our methods increase both workplace safety and productivity. They also generally make people happier and more reliable.
skills to build strong cohesive teams while strengthening communication skills.
uses the structures and personnel businesses already have to create a lasting impact on our future and for the generations to come.
support for all employees from the feet on the ground movers and shakers through top-level executives.
made for corporations that are ready to change the world.
In our work with clients, we’ve noticed that they become better employees as they learn and apply the skills we teach. For instance one of our clients, Sam, puts in 60+ hour work weeks, has 20+ years of experience, and is 2-3 times as productive as his coworkers with similar job descriptions.
He’s said to me “I know I wouldn’t be doing this well if it wasn’t for working with you. The stress of the pandemic would have broken something. I would have slipped into major depression or quit my job and moved to the middle of nowhere New Mexico. I certainly wouldn’t be in a great relationship that’s lasted more than 2 years and has stayed close even though we’ve gone remote a couple of times since March. I definitely wouldn’t have been proactive at conflict resolution or able to be a calm listening ear for coworkers”
Is that the kind of employee you’d like to cultivate? Let us help.
How it works:
Communication, Attitude, and Action
3 Skills of a Great Employee
Foundations of Great Teams
After 9 years of coaching and 20+ years of working with people and listening to what they really want, these are things I’ve found to be universally true for all of us no matter our skin color, gender, sexual orientation, age, or abilities.
We want to be real and authentic with each other.
We want to feel safe being close to other humans.
We want to feel safe in our own skins.
We want to give the huge love that is within us.
We want to give without feeling stupid, used, abused, or taken advantage of.
We want to be like a tree – deep roots, solid, reliable, and resilient in the face of whatever life, relationships, and pandemics throw at us.
We want people we can rely on to be there for us no matter what.
We want people with whom we can take off our masks and still be loved.
When we can’t do any one of these things, we hurt. When we feel blocked in three to five of them, we suffer. When we feel unable to do most or all of them it can be deadly.
We want connection. We don’t want to be lonely, yet most of us have been burned in the past. We’ve been hurt by someone else and we’ve hurt other people. Both suck. We don’t want to do that again.
Are you ready for something new? Reach out and let’s get your team the skills to be even more successful, happy, and productive than they already are. Call us at 720-340-2246