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Thank you for your interest in CuddleEd Summit co-hosted by Keeley Shoup and Kassandra Brown.

We showcase the best and brightest educators in the world of therapeutic touch and embodiment. On June 5, 2021 at the 1st ever CuddleEd Summit, we had six great presenters sharing their unique insights on how to create great cuddle session, what to do to attract your ideal clients, insights on facilitating excellent group experiences and more. See the full lineup below.

If you would like information on accessing the recordings and being notified about the next CuddleEd Summit, please fill out the form below and you will be added to our mailing list. We promise no spam and no selling your information. You may receive offers from the presenters on their personal products or services.

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Every single client regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, or trauma history wants one thing more than any other from their therapeutic touch and cuddling session. They may not know how to ask for it. They may not even believe it’s possible. They may scoff at it if you told them that’s what you’re going to give them, but if you give it, they will love it, they will heal and grow, and they will come back for more. Come discover what this mystery “it” is and learn the 6 Radical Skills that allow you to offer it consistently.

Dive deeper into the Radical Skills and transform your personal and professional relationships in the online, interactive course Jerk-Proof Your Relationships. Kassandra is committed to empowering you and making the course accessible. Mention CuddleEd when you call/text 720-340-2246 or email kassandra@kassandrabrown.org.

About the Presenter:

Kassandra Brown, Lead Trainer and Mentor at Cuddlist.com and co-creator of CuddleEd, has been offering professional cuddling for four years and relationship coaching for a decade. Her passion is healing trauma and attachment wounds so that we can each have happy, resilient relationships and end the cycles of violence, abuse, and neglect within ourselves, in interpersonal relationships, and with the world at large. Find out more at KassandraBrown.org

[/cmsmasters_toggle][cmsmasters_toggle title=”CuddleSage: Laying of Hands as a Healing Modality for Black-Bodied Trauma in the West”]


Amina introduces cuddle therapy as a supplemental healing modality to reintegrate Black Americans experiencing the violence of white-bodied supremacy idealization, returning us home to our bodies. These 4 cuddling sequences helps to regulate the central nervous system, celebrating and honoring the body through connection through the Black and Indigenous tradition of laying hands.

You are invited to join this amazing work at https://www.cuddlesage.com/.

About the presenter:

C. Amina Peterson is a Tantric Sex and Intimacy Coach and the Director of the Atlanta Institute of Tantra and Divine Sexuality. She says “Let’s work together to dissolve fear and create fearless relationships and increase our natural ability to LOVE! Eliminate fear of rejection, of not being good enough, or able to satisfy your partner or yourself. Let me show you HOW to BE the LOVE.” Learn more at https://atltantra.com/.

[/cmsmasters_toggle][cmsmasters_toggle title=”4 Things You Need to Do Today to Find More of Your Best Professional Cuddling Clients”]


You know that professional cuddling is meaningful work that helps people, but it seems hard to get other people to see that and become great clients. This work is heart-centered, and something this meaningful needs heart-centered marketing to support it. In this workshop, we go over 4 things you can apply immediately to begin getting better results in who reaches out to you, how they reach out to you, and how they respond to you. You DON’T need your own website or a marketing budget to benefit from this workshop, so wherever you are in your business you’ll benefit from applying these.

Get your Kickstart your Cuddle Career bundle (now $247): https://kickstart.teachery.co/kickstart-bundle
Want to sign up for Sam’s email list? Get her free guide on What it Takes to Be a Great Professional Cuddler: cuddlecareer.com/beacuddler

About the presenter:

Sam Varnerin started her career in professional cuddling in 2015 by complete accident and, as she describes it, with way less research than she ever recommends anyone do before going into this work. In 2017, she left her job in construction engineering to pursue this work full-time with her personal practice, Snuggle with Sam. After running out of money within six months and supporting herself through various side gigs, she began to think about how many others in her situation might be tempted to bend their policies and boundaries so they could financially support themselves, and she wanted to help them do this work safely and with strong boundaries. She spent time experimenting and testing out ideas to grow her practice and connect deeper with her clients, and she created her first online course, Snuggle Safety Protocols, and later Sam’s Snuggle School (now part of Cuddle Career). In the summer of 2018 she went on a Tour across the country to many popular cuddling cities to explore the cultures around touch and professional cuddling in other local areas so she could better understand the struggles other cuddlers might be experiencing. Having the engineering mind she has, she has compassionately workshopped, analyzed, and systematized her practice with an emphasis on personal human touch all so she can better support every single person she works with. She now loves working with men that are looking to change how they interact with people because how they’re currently do so is pushing people away. In 2019, she made more in 9 months doing this work than she had any year previously as an engineer, and she’s committed to helping other professional cuddlers grow their practices in a way that allows them to live the lifestyle they most want. Sam is also a certified Circling Facilitator through The Connection Institute, a Certified Cuddlist, and a practitioner growing her diverse set of tools for trauma-informed practices.

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Sometimes boundaries get a bad rap. They can easily be associated with division. Saying no is easily associated with rejection. We’ve all had plenty of unpleasant experiences around these two things. In fact, cuddling is meant to be an antidote to these experiences so why the heck are we focusing so much on boundaries?? In this presentation Madelon will help re-frame these associations. She will give you a really good idea of how boundaries operate in session with clients, what the Cuddlist protocols are that make it distinct within the field of professional cuddling, and how you will be walked through these things in the Cuddlist training.

Get 10% off your Cuddlist training when you enter code “CuddleEd” at Cuddlist.com

About the Presenter:

Madelon Guinazzo is a communication consultant for medical students and healthcare practitioners of all stripes. As a Professional Cuddler, certified Cuddle Party facilitator, trainer and member of their board of directors as well as the Co-Founder of Cuddlist.com, she has created the certification program for the premier professional cuddling resource in the country. Her mission is to encourage individuals to live satisfying lives by learning to claim their inner authority, give it voice, and effectively move toward their deepest human yearnings. She believes this will lead to a better planet for everyone.

She holds a degree in Communication Studies from Northwestern University and has trained extensively in many interactive ways to being intimate with oneself and others including professional acting training, multiple movement modalities, and the Work of Byron Katie.

[/cmsmasters_toggle][cmsmasters_toggle title=”Cuddling Through Covid”]


As someone who has successfully offered in-person one-on-one sessions through the pandemic I’d love to share how I’ve created safety for myself and my clients.

About the Presenter:

Samantha Hess is the creator of CuddleUpToMe. Learn more at https://cuddleuptome.com/

[/cmsmasters_toggle][cmsmasters_toggle title=”How to Lead Amazing Cuddle Events”]


  • Are you interested in leading your own cuddle events?
  • Do you want to make your events great but worry about “incidents” happening?You can learn the techniques to guide your event so that more people attend and everyone feels safe and has fun.The best way to lead events that include touch is by using time-tested consent skills and tools. Once you master these five techniques, you will be on your way to lead events that attendees flock to, talk about, and recommend. And you’ll really help people!In this webinar you will:• Learn just what to say so that attendees know you are “consent-positive” • Discover how to empower your attendees so they know it’s okay to say “no” • Learn how to model consent behavior so attendees follow your lead • Practice consent exercises so that you can deliver them yourselfThrough presentation, demonstration and Q&A, this webinar guarantees an increase in your confidence as a leader. You’ll have a chance to participate in discussions and meet fellow participants. You’ll leave the experience with actions you can apply immediately.Stop worrying about how your events will go and learn what you can do to minimize drama and maximize connection, delight, and fun.WHAT PEOPLE SAY ABOUT THIS WEBINAR:

    “…absolutely outstanding…excellent presenter, tons of takeaway. Loved.”

    “Very informative!”

    “The material was super concise and well prepared…The content should be considered nuts and bolts for any public event including touch.”



Jean Franzblau – AKA Cuddle Queen Jean – is the Founder of Cuddle Sanctuary in Los Angeles. Since 2014, she and her team have put on hundreds of cuddle events and have found a method that creates magic moments for groups again and again. Jean studied facilitation with Cuddle Party and the Association of Talent Development. She trained with Dr. Betty Martin who teaches the Wheel of Consent and appeared as a cuddle expert on Dr. Phil, BuzzFeed, Keeping Up the Kardashians, and in Rolling Stone. With a passion for sharing her knowledge, Jean offers free weekly webinars and a free safety class for professional cuddlers on her website CuddleSanctuary.com
