What you believe creates the world.

It can be empowering to look at underlying beliefs. What do you believe about the world? I believe The world is a school. We come to learn. It’s not so much about winning or losing but about the quality of our relationships – kindness, curiosity, compassion, growth.

Albert Einstein said, “The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe.”

Asking again “What do I believe?” reveals more insight. Digging deeper let’s us uncover things about ourselves that help our reactions to people, situations, and even ourselves make sense.

When I’m feeling down, I notice I have this belief: “The world is unreliable. Sometimes I get what I want. Sometimes I don’t. There is always something to learn and something to appreciate.”

We gather data to support what we already believe. Two people can be in the same situation and come away with very different experiences and interpretations.

If I view the world as unreliable then I will gather data to support my point of view. If I view the world as challenging, I will also gather data to support my point of view. And, yes, if I view the world as friendly and supportive then I will still gather data to support my point of view.

We gather and categorize data all the time. We can’t stop doing it. We can influence the filters we use and our interpretations.

I’d love to help you notice, consider, and choose the meanings and points of view you have of the world.

Where did that belief come from?

How do you know your belief or story is true? Where did that belief come from? Your own eyes and senses? Your parents? Your religion? School? A past relationship?

What if you could get curious with no judgment or shame?

Is there any freedom in asking these questions? Let me know!

Is it true?

A simple question you can ask that can offer a lot of freedom is, “is it true?” We often assume they are simply because we have them. Their existence proves their veracity, right? Not so fast. Let’s slow down and ask the obvious question, “are your beliefs true?”

Exercise: throughout today when you notice your thoughts and judgments about yourself, others, and the world ask yourself “is it true?”
Ask with kindness, compassion, and curiosity. You aren’t judging or shaming yourself here. You’re honestly curious. Is my belief true?

What do you learn when you ask?

You have the power to change your mind.

Our minds are meaning making machines. We can’t stop them from gathering data. We can’t stop interpreting the data and layering meaning over it. We can’t stop.

If we can’t stop, can we at least influence the stories we tell ourselves? Can we change our beliefs? Can we see the world differently without gaslighting ourselves or trying to “unsee” what we see?


What a relief. You can notice the stories and beliefs you have and you can change them. I can help. I believe that every story, meaning, belief and part of you is here for a reason and has goodness in it. Nothing needs to be gotten rid of or fixed. We can learn from all of it.

Reach out if you’d like to explore further.

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